national child welfare conference 2022

The speaker will include lessons learned about best practices in running high-quality parent support groups, discuss how to create community in both online and in-person groups, and provide innovative resources and techniques for agencies to use. Make plans to enjoy thenations capital by taking in the sights of your favoriteAmerican landmarks. Healing from trauma and promoting resilience are pathways to child and family well-being that should be integrated into child welfare practice. This action lab examines the feasibility and effectiveness of a novel stress reduction project with child welfare workers (n = 32) in Kentucky. This presentation addresses the importance of quality family time and how to use family time to strengthen parent-child relationships. Armed with the knowledge that family members are the experts, specialists waste no time in engaging with all family members, identifying family caregivers, backup placement options, and mapping out a robust natural support system. The desired result is a society where living conditions and resources meet human needs without undermining the planetary integrity and stability . Presenter: Yaridis Garcia, the Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County, FL, Friday, April 29 When done properly, effective co-parenting can aid and assist in the overall growth and healthy development of children. Presenter: Aubrey Kearney, Indiana Department of Child Services, Indianapolis, IN, E4 Keeping Kids Safely at Home: Blending Science and Technology for Better Outcomes. We need to collectively work hand-in-hand with families, communities, and other systems, as well as federal, state, and local leadership, to eliminate the many barriers to achieving our vision. Since then, an increasingly durable and agile spirit of collaboration in L.A. fuels an ability to test new ideas, assess their effectiveness, and bring them to scale in ways that significantly impact child welfare reform. Most children involved in the child welfare system have a parent with a behavioral health disorder. Facilitator: Michael Schultz, CWLA Senior Fellow. Friends of CWLA are acknowledged with our conference sponsors. 11:00 am 12:00 pm, I1 Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14. Check out ourSponsorship Opportunities. The CWLA 2022 National Conference,The Fierce Urgency of Now: Collective Action to Ensure Children and Families Flourish, was held April 27-29 at the Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. For 75 years, the Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County, FL (JWB) has existed to meet the most pressing and immediate needs of Pinellas County children. Parent couples can register together at a discount. Copyright 2020 - CWLA | All Rights Reserved |, Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill, Washington, DC. As part of an ambitious, multi-year strategy to advance racial justice and equity in medicine, the AMA has committed to working in partnership with key stakeholders to address determinants of health and set more children up for long and healthy lives. Join us to learn how the program blends family finding + family engagement + kinship navigation and how its scaling nationally! . We encourage all home visitors to attend. August 12-14, 2024 Preconference August 11 . View the 2022 Conference Agenda at a Glance . A team approach ensures all involved parties are aware of the findings and routine reassessment occurs at targeted intervals during treatment. In addition, Rose serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Public Child Welfare, is on national advisory committees for the Human Rights Campaign: All Children, All Families, the Chadwick Trauma-Informed Systems Project, and on the Child Welfare League of America's Equity Advisory Board. Since 2020, Lived Experience Experts, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Casey Family Programs (CFP) and the William T. Grant Foundation have been working in partnership with individuals representing a broad array of experts, stakeholders, and people with lived experience to identify research gaps in community-based family support, child protective services, out-of-home care, and post permanency services. Some nations also celebrate . Michael V. Johnson, Detective (retired) is an internationally recognized expert on all aspects of child abuse and exploitation, and specializes in abuse investigation, detection, and prevention efforts for organizations serving youth.Johnson was the Youth Protection Advisor/Director for the National Office of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) from July 2010 to December 2020, where he advised on . How can public and private child welfare agencies work together to strengthen families and protect children? Presenters will discuss how to objectively track and discuss progress in family time to inform decisions about family time expansion and reunification. We will look at trauma-informed care initiatives, the Foster Care Centers of Excellence in Texas, and targeted training and behavioral health in-lieu of services with child welfare providers and professionals to impact the number of Behavioral Health in-patient admissions and readmissions in high-utilizing market regions in Florida. Race has been the impetus for war, both historically on the battlefield and, in more recent times, on the streets of America and around the globe. Conference. In addition to an overview of strategies, key partnerships and successful models, presenters will explore how stakeholders in New Jersey are tackling this critical issue to ensure children, youth and families are safe, healthy and connected. Families mandated into the child protection system often experience significant adversity, oppression, and trauma in addition to family violence. Reforming systems successfully to expand the reach to all families requires state and local collaboration. Presenter: Marcus Stallworth, CWLA, Washington DC, A6 Re-Imagining a Prevention-Focused and Equitable Child Welfare System for the 21st Century Opening Session(Spotlight Track). CWLAs 2022 Conference also featured an advocacy panel plenary, several legislative-focused action labs, and an afternoon of Advocacy Day activities. High levels of work-related stress in child protection remain a public health concern. Caseworker turnover is a hallmark obstacle in child welfarebut the options available to tackle this challenge are improving. A Virtual Event Hosted by UC Davis. Conference Tracks Medical Presenter: Cathy Hockaday, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, I2 Building Protective Factors So Adult and Child Survivors of Domestic Violence Can Thrive. Statutory guidance is issued by law - you must follow it unless theres a good reason not to. The Administration for Children and Families held the virtual National Research Conference on Early Childhood 2022 (NRCEC 2022) on June 27-29, 2022. Participants will hear from subject matter experts and practitioners who prioritize frequent, quality family time and focus on the parent-child relationship. Dual/Onsite Conference. 47th National Child Welfare Law Conference . Presenters: Grace Weltman, Communities in Motion, Los Angeles, CA; Dominique Robinson, LA County Department of Children and Family Services, Los Angeles, CA; Pastor Dan Broyles, Valencia Hills Community Church, Los Angeles, CA; Erica Holmes, Faithful Central Bible Church, Los Angeles, CA, I4 Kinship Care and Kinship Navigators: Transformation of Support to Families During COVID and Lasting Changes in a Post-Pandemic World. This session will look at elements of successful cross system collaboration between state, local, and private agencies and MCOs. We secured an overflow group room block at Yotel, which is directly across the street from the Hyatt. The UK GDPR sits alongside the Data Protection Act 2018. Materials should not arrive earlier than Monday, April 25, 2022, For Take-One Exhibiting,REGISTER ONLINE. International Symposium on Child Abuse Building Forensic Interviewing Skills Online Training Consultation Group for Supervisors of Forensic Interviewers Customized Trainings International Training Mentoring and Consultation Groups for Forensic Interviewers Online Trainings Southern Regional Children's Advocacy Center Takeaway Tuesday Presenters: Patsy Sellars, Casey Family Programs, Seattle, WA; Monica Lopez-Magee, Children & Nature Network, Austin, TX; Francis Mendoza, Children & Nature Network, Austin, TX, F3 The Transformative Power of Youth Engagement. The conference brings together participants from across Kansas and Oklahoma for learning, laughter, and networking. CWLAs signature Advocacy Day looked a little different this year, due to certain restrictions on Capitol Hill, but we were still able to ensure this years program allowed for your voice to be heard on the critical issues of extending the Child Tax Credit (CTC), child welfare improvements, implementing child care expansion, and other pressing concerns. It is vital that we support this emerging generation of new leaders as they navigate the serious challenges and complexities of transforming and leading the public and private sectors. This action lab will provide an overview of the National START Model, including discussion on implementation pathways, available funding sources, program evaluation design, and a detailed review of current scientific evidence including comparative outcomes for Black children served by START. NACC Conference - National Association of Counsel For Children Building Community: NACC Conference NACC's 46th National Child Welfare Law Conferences From Learning to Action: Shared Accountability for Disrupting Harm and Promoting Healing SPONSORSHIP, EXHIBITING, AND ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES Bryan Samuels, Executive Director at Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, together with federal leaders from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, will explore the current policy context and re-imagine whats possible to both dramatically prevent the need for child welfare system involvement in the lives of families and to achieve race equity. Meet face-to-face with CEOs, administrators, workers, researchers, advocates, and caregivers who are eager to explore new thinking and new products. Attendees will also learn ways to incorporate their visions into their own Family First prevention plans and design actionable implementation strategies. Approximately 95% of New York States kinship caregivers provide care outside the formal foster care system and, as a result, lack access to many formal foster care benefits and services. We held a fast-paced conference that featured plenary sessions, a panel presentation, and 60-minute Action Labs, which drew on the experiences of your public and private peers in child welfare and related service areas; our research, advocacy, and education partners; and representatives from families and communities. Think of Us (TOU) is an Action Tank driving systematic change in child welfare. Space will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Cant be with us in person, but have a message for conference attendees? The research material that will be presented provides a model for knowledge and subsequent implementation that seeks to enhance engagement, positive outcomes, and the use of a trauma informed focus in the best interests of children who have been sexually abused, non-offending parents or caregivers, and those accused or suspected of sexual abuse. We greatly enjoyed seeing you in Washington, DC, and are looking forward to next year! 5 areas of focus have been identified that individuals, agencies, and community providers can utilize to maximize the assets men in child welfare bring to the table. Presenters: Ross Whiting and Madeliene Alger, Walter Rand Institute-Rutgers University, Camden, NJ; Lydia Ramsey, Family Strengthening Network, Bridgeton, NJ, A4 Justice Systems from a Childs Perspective: Supporting Child Victims and Witnesses through Trauma-Informed Materials. Exhibitors receive an over 30% discount on conference program advertising (as detailed below), Reserve program ad space by March 14, 2022, To advertise,REGISTER ONLINE. Families, communities, and service systems are experiencing unusually high levels of stress and burnout related to the pandemic, racial and social unrest, and the challenges of implementing the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) legislation. Attendance is required for both sessions. Hot topics on Capitol Hill include: extending foster care supports and services to age 21 in all 50 states; ensuring access to high quality, timely mental health services for all children and youth, including those in the child welfare system; and providing much-needed funding and support to the child welfare workforce. Required material, Building Blocks for Effective Co-Parenting: Companion Workbook is available to purchase online through the CWLA Bookstore and will be waiting for you at conference registration! UC Davis Conference . Join our Public Policy staff for an in-depth look at child welfare legislation today. In this interactive workshop, well go through a strategy for working with government, the complexities of care reform, and the global measures that point to country success in a transition to family-based care. This action lab will describe the states family preservation services, including flexible funding. It is important to consider how navigating multiple marginalized identities can create unique challenges for these youth when providing services to them. Participants left with a strengthened capacity to: We were pleased to offer these exclusive training sessions and provide attendees the opportunity to work closely with experts in the field. Added the Working Together 2018 version, transitional arrangements, statutory framework, and introductory letters from DfE and the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel. Few emerging, evidence-based practices focus specifically on the family relational system as the primary point of intervention. . This presentation will cover the red flags that can help them recognize situations where the childs treatment with psychiatric medications may be problematic and / or parents objections may be reasonable. Kohn works with educators and parents across the country and speaks regularly at national conferences. Presenters: Thomas Sexton and Marta Anderson, FFT Partners, Bloomington, IN, F5 Keeping Families Together Using Safe@Home. This presentation describes an analytic framework that state and local child welfare agencies and system partners can use to measure economic risk factors in child welfare. While critical conversations about the future of child welfare are occurring across the nation, many public and private agencies continue to struggle with workforce issues such as shortages of qualified candidates and high turnover. Overview. Please be sure to make your reservation under our conference group block to ensure waiver of the destination fee charged at this hotel. Presenters: Philip Breitenbucher, California Baptist University, Riverside, CA; Kerry Browning, Department of Health and Human Services, Lackawanna County, PA, E5 Prevention, Permanency, Proven Results: The National Sobriety Treatment and Recovery Teams (START) Model. We invest billions of dollars annually in interventions that separate families, underinvest in prevention, and prioritize interventions designed to address family deficits rather than the family circumstances that place children at significant risk of maltreatment. This session will discuss the barriers faced by youth who identify as LGBTQ+, the additional challenges for youth of color who identify as LGBTQ+, how to use an intersectional lens to inform your work, organizational policies to reduce these barriers, and a model and tools from HRCs All ChildrenAll Families for practice improvement. This experiential action lab will explore the steps of the process and provide participants with concrete tools for use in their field. In previous episodes we talked about the extent of the problem nationally and how it affects each community; we discussed the need for community collaboration; we explored the . OhioKAN partners with systems to identify and develop collaborative strategies to address knowledge and capacity gaps in communities across Ohio. This is an opportunity for those in the home visiting field to receive tailored content for their profession. This action lab is a facilitated panel discussion that will highlight how Family First strategies have been used to leverage the unique and inherent assets of rural communities for positive impact. Together, the many stakeholders in child welfare-in addition to families and the states-can work to Make Medicaid Happen for youth in foster, adoptive, and guardianship care. The CWLA 2022 Conference will be an opportunity to acknowledge transformation: awareness, acknowledgment, action, and . Exhibit Hall Floor Plan to be posted shortly. A version of the guidance for young people and a separate version suitable for younger children are also available for practitioners to share. With over 1,500 attendeesand growing every yearthis four-day conference has become the premiere national event addressing tribal child welfare and well-being. Participants will explore the integration of economic and concrete supports into the service array. This action lab, based on a CWLA Signature Curriculum, will share how thePRIDE Model of Practiceprovides agencies with the opportunity to ensure that staff and resource families commit to your agencys vision, mission, and values; have complementary competency-based roles; use strengths-based language; implement culturally responsive best practices; and work to achieve outcomes that support safety, well-being, and permanency for the children in your care. Promoting well-being and preventing foster care requires numerous services and supports. This presentation is based on four years of research into parent support groups for parents raising children exposed to trauma; extensive interviews with agency administrators, group facilitators, and parents; and two years of data from over 30 groups. Explore our Advertising Opportunities(on 2nd tab of this section) to maximize your impressions and exposure! Wednesday, April 27 Sustainable development is an organizing principle that aims to meet human development goals while also enabling natural systems to provide necessary natural resources and ecosystem services to humans. We will receive updates from governments . You should have also received an email from that will tell you to look for the login email. I've previously presented at the National Collegiate Honors Council . Housing stability is foundational to the well-being, health and long-term prosperity of children, youth, families and communities at large. In conjunction with the conference, the CYCAA is proud to be celebrating our 50th year anniversary. You can change your cookie settings at any time. In addition to direct services provided by the administration, additional services are funded through . Youth spend less time in the child welfare system as it evolves, and it has become challenging to foster youth engagement in our new virtual world. Child welfare and mental health professionals serving these families often have limited understanding of the complex issues around adoptionincluding trauma, grief, loss, and identitythat contribute to common mental health problems and challenges for families. The National American Indian Court Judges Association (NAICJA) will hold its National Tribal Judicial and Court Personnel Conference on Oct. 17-20, 2022 at the Oneida Radisson Hotel & Conference Center, Green Bay, WI. The content of Medicaid State Plans will be covered, with an emphasis on the mandatory service of Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) and its function in the provision of specific services. Centene and CWLA are partnering to produce a special issue of the Child Welfare Journal focused on this critical issue, and are developing micro learnings and other activities to advance the dialogue in child welfare. 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national child welfare conference 2022