superdrug employee handbook
.csr-statement img.representative-face { .csr-business-content p { } color: #fff; text-align: center; line-height: 1.5; } display: none; position: relative; Check out your local Superdrug store. background: #f00; .dgfs-footer .back-to {margin-top: 20px; transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;} .dgfs-footer .back-to {text-align: center; margin: 25px 0 -8px -36px; font-size: 12px;font-style: italic; } } endobj font-weight: 500; color: #fff; This critical step 1) ensures that the language and content provided in the employee handbook do not create contractual agreements or open the door to legal conflicts or claims, and 2) confirms that all parties are involved with the development. content: ""; background: url("") no-repeat 95% center; We welcome ideas from all areas and while, of course we want to deliver results and provide great service to our customers, we want our colleagues to have fun too! border-top: solid 2px #000; 10 0 obj We really believe that CSR is a crucial part of everyones role, every single day, whether were in stores, in our distribution centres or at Head Office. .superdrug-values .value-copy { } font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; IT Department. left: 128px; border-top: 0; Here at Superdrug Doing Good Feels Super is not just a mission statement, it is the core belief that drives what we do and who we are. Superdrug certainly lives by their slogan 'That Superdrug feeling' as everyone who works here has it. opacity 0.55s ease; font-weight: 550; cursor: pointer; This Handbook is designed to introduce and guide you on the Group's Scheme of Services. HtON0+6M+tVh2hZE-M|tfwjU=Hlq8F[nctq6Li'Kg3pYeN"S-X 8{VPm]P0 display: block; .sdg-wrapper .report-content .dgfs-handwriting { position: relative; .section2 .bottom-section p { position: absolute; .csr-team-content { opacity: .7; Whos interviewing you, where and at what time. /* OUR PLANET ICON */ margin: 0 0 0 1%; Partner with someone that gets it. Our HR Edge program gives you the extra boost to rise above the competition. Disqus. } The company also conducts random drug screenings. Creating an employee handbook takes planning and consideration. .superdrug-values li { background: #fff; Were real, not perfect. The handbook guides employees through their first six months, explains what to do if they screw up, and provides an illustrated company history. /* OUR COMMUNITY */ "F$H:R!zFQd?r9\A&GrQhE]a4zBgE#H *B=0HIpp0MxJ$D1D, VKYdE"EI2EBGt4MzNr!YK ?%_&#(0J:EAiQ(()WT6U@P+!~mDe!hh/']B/?a0nhF!X8kc&5S6lIa2cKMA!E#dV(kel }}Cq9 The employee handbook (and the newer, cooler "culture code") is a great tool for employees, new and existing, to learn the company's mission, values, and norms. <> <> background: url("") no-repeat 95% center; } ],oC` endstream endobj 188 0 obj <>>> endobj 189 0 obj <>>>/Fields 162 0 R>> endobj 190 0 obj <> endobj 191 0 obj >/PageUIDList<0 211>>/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Tabs/W/Thumb 169 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 192 0 obj [193 0 R] endobj 193 0 obj <>/BS<>/DA(/OpenSans-Regular 14 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK 201 0 R/P 191 0 R/Q 0/Rect[227.76 311.04 574.0 335.52]/Subtype/Widget/T(Text Field 7)/TU([Orgnaization Name])/Type/Annot>> endobj 194 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form>>stream 0000001872 00000 n top: 0; 30% off own brand and exclusives. } Superdrug employs 5,256 employees. .dgfs-footer .explore {font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; padding-left: 10px; margin: 10px 0 0 0;} } .parallax-effect h1 { margin: 0 0 0 16px; } float: left; display: block; nQt}MA0alSx k&^>0|>_',G! right: 18px; Working at Superdrug is a challenge but allows you to learn many skills needed for later life. How you present yourself makes a big difference. /*DGFS REPORT-----*/ color: #fff; 0000003034 00000 n This is the case in Japan, France, and Belgium. float: left; color: #ea6b7d; margin: -3rem -2px 0px -4rem; Just be you! However, your company must follow various U.S. and state laws, and your employee handbook is essential to communicating your adherence to those laws and what employees need to know and do accordingly. } <> .sdg-wrapper .csr-statement { font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; background: #92c461; Ensure the employee handbook accurately reflects your current business priorities, policies, procedures, and activities. } text-align: center; Document mandatory legal or company policies and procedures. Nordstroms employee handbook consists ofone simple rule, Use good judgment in all situations. While this doesnt capture all the information a company may need to convey, we admire the brevity and simplicity. font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; It can contain information about working hours, dress code, employee conduct, vacation, and more. I understand } The merge request feature enables anyone to suggest improvements or add clarifications, and the issues option is for asking questions. min-height: 190px; With this information, employees will learn the guiding principles behind your organization and grasp the underlying motives behind how business is done at your company. .csr-content-box p { Help & Support Start your Superdrug journey today Our mission To be our customers' first choice for up-to-the-minute beauty and health, loved for value, choice, friendly advice, service and fun. } top: 9%; For more information about our cookie policy click. } Companies could use this one-rule approach as a starting point and elaborate from there. background: #8ad1a3; Our heritage as a retailer has naturally led us to be passionate about our Corporate Social Responsibility and were proud of what weve achieved on the way. } only employee discount is good 10% for goods and 30% off for Superdrug items. margin-left: 55px;} .general-mobile-view { endobj Including a compensation or payment section in your handbook provides them with clearly communicated practices for when payments are made and how employees receive them. padding: 6rem 0; font-weight: 600; .content-wrapper.dgfs-footer .customer-icon {background-size: 36px; top: 1px; left: 26%;} For more information about our cookie policy click. Also called employee manuals, staff handbooks, and employee guides, there are several interchangeable terms for these critical resources. height: 78%; z-index: 6; 8 0 obj float: right; .bottom-section .csr-cb-img { Amazing staff, management and store! Having said that, the basics that most handbooks should cover are: A Full-Time Employee regularly works at least 35 hours per week PartTime Employee A Part-Time Employee regularly works less than 35 hours per week but no less than 17 hours per week. Your employee handbook limits potential assumptions, misinterpretations, or false ideas about how your business operates and how your employees should go about their work. .csr-community-content .read-more-button { .healthcare-services { When you decide to add, remove, or revise the information in your employee handbook, be sure to communicate those updates to your employees and provide all with updated and current copies. .homepage-content-box .circle-our-planet, Just remember to be yourself and you'll be great. Netflixs employee handbookis particularly worth mentioning because it clearly defines company culture and principles while making them actionable. section.header.header-wrap, Founded: 1964. background: #ea6b7d; } An employee handbook contains information related to a company's policies and procedures. An employee handbook can go by several different names, including " culture code " and " company policy manual ". width: 43.7%; height: 130px; .csr-statement .quotation-mark-bottom { border-color: #ea6b7d; This Handbook is designed for you as a classified employee of the Commonwealth. -o-transition: all 0.4s ease; } } .csr-statement p { Doing good does not just FEEL super it IS super and at Superdrug we are proud to deliver that Superdrug Feeling to all and we thank you for your support in making this a reality! Here at Superdrug 'Doing Good Feels Super' is not just a mission statement, it is the core belief that drives what we do and who we are. font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; %PDF-1.7 % 2. .csr-statement .quotation-mark-top { @media (min-width: 500px) { position: relative; <> color: #9c98cb; z-index: 2; padding: 0 10px; /* END OF HOMEPAGE */ Please note that we recently updated our Privacy Policy and Privacy Preferences. 0000007057 00000 n The latest insights on today's world of work straight to your inbox. .facts-figures h2 { An Employee Handbook saves a lot of time and prevents many uncertainties on both sides it's a great thing to have as a staple in your business. <> with the employee details (IT systems etc) Manager/IB Organise/prepare to deliver basic life support training Manager/IB Book a place on the next induction event via L&OD Manager/IB Ensure relevant documentation is available e.g copies of relevant policies, employee handbook etc Manager Identify any annual leave requirements Manager /* HOMEPAGE */ Employers give this to employees to clarify their duties and responsibilities while they're employed with the organization. Compliance with the Company's policies is a condition of . } -moz-border-radius: 60px; transform: rotate(-45deg) translate(-8px, 7px); .superdrug-values h2, .sdg-wrapper .you-video a.ytp-watermark, Image Credit: provided by the author; wavy bus . .sdg-wrapper .mob-ver, wG xR^[ochg`>b$*~ :Eb~,m,-,Y*6X[F=3Y~d tizf6~`{v.Ng#{}}jc1X6fm;'_9 r:8q:O:8uJqnv=MmR 4 }. left: 7%; .facts-figures li { filter: progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#000000', endColorstr='#000000', GradientType=1); padding: 10px 0 10px 9px; } padding: 5px 150px 5px 0; font-size: 16px; width: auto; .facts-figures li { .facts-figures p.fact-description { } } .csr-team-content p { j;VUlb]b3:x+l ht.0mug!9L"z{| U[eS?9|>LNL:3[i,\Rkf[|.t9OQkeK!-2ay%hEQYB||1 Deels onboarding plugin automates your onboarding process, triggering tasks that prompt your new hires to review your employee handbook in Slack. .sdg-navbarmobile {display: block;} background-size: 29px; } In this section, you can detail the vacation time policy and how employees should request and use their paid time off. What are the customers like? } } } For more information about our cookie policy clickhere. color: #fff; cursor: pointer; .csr-statement img.representative-face { } margin: 20px 0 0 0; .content-wrapper.dgfs-footer li {width: 49%; float: left; margin-right: 1%;} left: 146px; } This helps to ensure they review and acknowledge the information shared in the handbook. border-color: #92c461; } } The best way to share your employee handbook is to integrate it into your onboarding process, which you can automate with Deel. endobj .sdg-wrapper .csr-intro .sdg-star { .spv-content, width: auto; .sdg-wrapper .report-content span { .sdg-ownbrandnav e2-navigation-bar-banner .navigation-banner__title {color: #fff;} top: 0; transform: skewY(1.5deg); } This handbook summarizes many of your privileges, benefits and responsibilities as an employee of our company. 0000066954 00000 n While most companies have benefits briefs for new hires, its a lot to digest in a PowerPoint presentation. Employee Handbook Template - Word & PDF Available as PDF or Word Doc download Completely free - no credit card required Updated with new policies and language Get the Template Handbook Basics What needs to go in your handbook Most handbooks lack a balance between culture and policy. x\o8~AO +$EI`6@}ik4_g$[Idf|-Wl:wo7nw/z0eE6=?31*+\T2t~?Ogg+rdUeTxw~/R"rOB+} fbF[g/Yv_W#S@+Dzqrd,7bL+%gEJgB.g~8?q=B"\?28C,` .dgfs-footer .explore {padding-left: 55px; margin-top: 20px; transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;} } .superdrug-values .icons li:hover span { margin: 14px 16px; that we use will be recyclable by 2021. width: 21.7%; .facts-figures li { A dull handbook is useless because no-one will read it. In 2017 we switched cotton buds from plastic to a paper stem. A companys employee handbook should also detail practical information regarding company policies. .sdg-wrapper .sdg-box-40 li:nth-child(2n) { a.csr-cb-img { border-radius: 50%; It is not an employment contract or a legal document. The human resources team usually creates and updates the employee handbook as the company evolves. .csr-statement .mobile-view, An employee handbook is an employee manual containing key policies (such as employment policies) and guidelines related to the organisation. width: 50px; padding: 2%; We are here for our customers, to support and help them thrive and are honoured to be able to do so. } .csr-statement .quotation-mark-bottom { text-align: center; endobj } border-color: #9c98cb; Pronto Marketings employee handbookweb page is a near-perfect example in that its easy-to-read, visually appealing, and comprehensive without being overkill. margin: 5px; padding: 20px; width: 18%; We champion the belief that delivering accessible retail shouldn't cost the earth. .homepage-content-box .icons div img { And whether you already have one or are building one from scratch, looking at some . .csr-customer-content p { height: 100%; padding: 5px; } .dgfs-footer .community .back-to {margin: 20px 0 -6px -52px;} /* CONTENT GRID */ .csr-business-content .bottom-section a.csr-cb-img { /* OUR CUSTOMER */ left: 0; You can enrol in the pension scheme and start saving some of your wages in your pension. Some companies provide a physical, printed . padding: 10px; } .sdg-wrapper .dgfs-report .content-wrapper { Make sure you know exactly what your role will be. Zy^o^?tavg-FzD6;NP$yc2P( Safeguarding and Prevent March 2019 v3 If we still have concerns or feel unable to talk to the colleague, you can tell a leader or contact Safeguarding helpline through PeoplePoint on the following numbers - UK and NI (stores) 0115 .homepage-content-box .circle-our-workplace { .content-wrapper.dgfs-footer .planet-icon {left: 31%;} Having a handbook can also drastically improve your employee onboarding process. font-size: 20px; This is what we've been up to: Only 10.99! [last] (ex. background-image: url(""); By submitting this form, you agree to the processing of your personal information as described in our, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Accessibility, Creating Community in the Workplace: 3 Takeaways from Jess Sims. .sdg-wrapper ul.sdg-aside-menu { background: #9c98cb; } } .csr-statement { .csr-customer-content .read-more-button { .facts-figures li { opacity: .7; .csr-products-content p, background-size: 20px; .background-news h2 { padding: 15px; .superdrug-values h2, pointer-events: none; Were real, not perfect. padding: 10% 5%; 11 0 obj @media (min-width: 768px) { } .bottom-section { border-color: #9c98cb; top: -49px; } .dgfs-footer .divider {position: absolute; left: 48%; top: 10px; height: 84px;} Even when companies understand what should go into an employee handbook, it can be challenging to visualize what it should look like once its all put together. font-size: 20px; {ORGANIZATION NAME} Employee Handbook 2004 National Council of Nonprofit Associations May be duplicated, with attribution, by charitable organizations. 1 0 obj .csr-business-content .read-more-button { .sdg-wrapper .csr-intro { To help you build the best employee handbook, we crafted a template to give you a headstart in creating your own document. position: relative; .sdg-wrapper .am-header { We want you to be yourself when you come to meet us. background-color: #fff; margin-right: 0%; Whether legally required or not, there are many reasons companies choose to have one. margin: 14px 8px; } What to include in the employee handbook. 5 0 obj The sample employee handbook encapsulates primary values via artwork and four-step how-to guides in comic format to inspire employees to be self-reliant, productive, and team players for a company centered on creative expression and innovation. } Considering the legal nature of many topics employee handbooks address, such as employee and employer rights concerning the Medical Leave Act, or your companys anti-harassment policy, you might wonder: Are employee handbooks required by law? } position: relative; .homepage-content-box .circle-our-community { .background-news a { .superdrug-values li { } Your dream job could be waiting for you. width: auto; } .sdg-wrapper .moving-banner img { @media (min-width:992px) { font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: 24px; overflow: hidden; font-family: 'La Belle Aurore', cursive; Go on, big yourself up a bit. An employee handbook is a printed document that communicates your organization's mission, policies, and expectations. background-repeat: no-repeat; Revenue: $2 to $5 billion (USD) Competitors: Unknown. background: /* Permalink - use to edit and share this gradient:,000000+100 */ font-size: 14px; z-index: 22; top: 10px; As the company grows, having a source of truth regarding processes, codes of conduct, and behaviors becomes integral to preventing and extinguishing conflict. border-left: 0; position: absolute; .csr-team-content p, It is important the employee handbook includes an acknowledgment page that the employee signs and returns. } endobj When an employee is injured on the job, the company will also conduct drug testing. What happens after you submit your online application? Get the Resource. .sdg-wrapper .sdg-top-menu { margin: auto; padding: 10px; color: #d6519d; Terms and Conditions background: url("") no-repeat; 2 0 obj Once your organization has a complete employee handbook ready for use and distribution, you and your employees might wonder when this new resource can and should be used. color: #fff; border: 0 Would you fit in as part of the team? There is no definitive timeline for planning updates or revisions to your employee handbook. } } margin-left: 5px; color: #fff; .csr-statement .statement-name { Our Talent Team will then review your application, and will be in touch just as soon as they can. 15 0 obj right: 10px; .sdg-wrapper .am-header, .facts-figures h2 { font-size: 20px; border-top: 0; } margin-left: 10px;} position: relative; @media (min-width: 768px) { } /* hamburger menu */ Topics ranging from standards of performance and workplace conduct to grievance issues and disciplinary procedures fall into this section. 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