does elijah come back in legacies

When Rebekah came, she said that Klaus was gone and that there was nothing she could do to stop it. So if she uses her magic. When Vincent discovered that his friend, Will Kinney was serving The Hollow, they confronted him only to find that Will was too devoted to the evil spirit. When Jackson points out it went off where it was being lucky as no one was killed, Elijah realizes the first bomb was engineered to move everyone closer to the main bigger bombs when they explode. In The Big Uneasy, Elijah is overseeing renovations done to the Abattoir, restoring it to it's former glory when Genevieve approaches and requests the witches be allowed to throw the Feast of the Blessings. It's Gia she wants to check on Elijah. Later, when Marcel returns home from World War I, he's greeted by both Elijah and Klaus. does klaus come back in legacies. Support The Healthy Journal! He doesn't believe her. He slaughtered the entire kitchen staff of the diner before Rebekah arrived and either pretended he hadn't or was possibly unaware of his actions, reuniting happily with Hope. She asked him why he hesitated to kill her during their duel. He has another talk with Freya and he tells him about Mikael's ashes being in Klaus' paintings. Then Klaus suddenly appears behind him stabbing Elijah with the white oak ash dagger, neutralizing him. Elijah asks him about Gia and Hayley. Klaus eventually killed August, sparing the rest of his family, Greta, Antoinette, and Roman Sienna. Elijah was later on restored to his body. Season 1: The relationship between Elijah and Hayley began once Elijah was made aware of Hayley's pregnancy with his brother's child. The others being. Marcel chastised Elijah for coming back to New Orleans even after he barely managed to survive his bite. Hayley states that it's strange to be back at the compound. Elijah removed his daylight ring, proclaiming his love and devotion to Antoinette, wanting to show her that he was all in on their new life and was completely leaving his old one behind. After finishing the kiss, they remain with their eyes closed. Klaus begins to question Elijah about Hayley, about his admiring him, believing he "touched a nerve" when Elijah responds maybe he should wait inside the car. Elijah continued to struggle with what Esther had done to him, being overcome with his violent vampire instincts anytime he became dirty, including when he was stacking logs. She fired but Freya used her magic to deflect the bullet. They talk and the effects of the Dark Magic that reside in both himself and Klaus begin to manifest, such as the roses in the bar wilting and the water in glasses turning to blood. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. She tells him that this was all a trick and Klaus got inside Camille's head to tell her he knows how to kill Dahlia. When she sees Hayley, she runs away. However, unknown to Marcel, Elijah's older sister Freya linked him and all their siblings to Klaus' life force, giving Hayley time to find cures for them all. Genevieve continues the pain infliction spell to prevent Hayley's interference. He rushed outside to find that Klaus had taken in all of the Hollow's magic. Ariane accepted her fate, wanting to be released from the burden of her magic, and Elijah bit down into her neck. Freya used the Ancestors' power to turn Lucien into a normal vampire again, stripping him of his upgraded power. The war between the witches and the vampires for control is in fact about family. They had become the very first vampires. Which causes Elijah and Rebekah to get very angry at Klaus. He looks at his hand and sees blood. Still, he couldn't forgive the damage she had caused to his family. They returned to the compound where they found that Aurora was back as their captive. She refuses to follow Elijah and help him. The next day Elijah enters Klaus' room and sees Lana and jokes of him sleeping with an enemy who is now their ally, Klaus tells Elijah they got tickets to The Opera House and asked him to tell Rebekah to bring Marcel with her. He then vamp speeds to Freya and with a syringe. Finn tried to protect Elijah from Lucien but was bitten in the process. He forgave Rose because she helped Trevor out of loyalty to him which he respected, but he executed Trevor by decapitation for his betrayal of having helped the second Petrova Doppelgnger, Katerina Petrova, escape. In Bag of Cobras, Elijah went to Vincent and made him aware that he had Marcel detained until they could be sure he was free of the Hollow's influence. Esther had arrived, saving Finn and incapacitating Elijah. Elijah could only grudgingly watch things play out as Klaus and Kol joyfully spread violence throughout the city, even slaughtering an entire tenement building for fun. He then wishes Jackson a wonderful evening and walks away. The next day Elijah, with the help of the allied Jonas Martin, found Elena through a locator spell and appeared at the window Elena was watching. However, Elijah stressed regulation and rules, taking up the duties of the eldest due to Finn's pessimistic view of their immortal lives. Without the personal memories, he still had knew all about the Mikaelson family, and wanted nothing to do with any of them. When Marcel disobeyed and disrespected Elijah, he killed Marcel's best friend Thierry in front of him so Marcel would suffer that loss for eternity instead of killing Marcel. She tells them another story about what happened with her and Dahlia. In Rebirth, Hayley kills Francesca as a reaction for almost killing her baby. Elijah went on further to say that his secret of having killed Tatia haunted him, due to Klaus also having loved her and not knowing the truth. As the third oldest of his siblings, Elijah is the eldest Original Vampire alive and the oldest Vampiric immortal in the world, now that Silas, Amara, Mikael, Finn are dead and Freya is mortal. They brought Hope back to the compound but her blood was as ineffective as Lucien's. This hurt Elijah, and says to Hayley. Elijah waited for Rebekah at her house and he handed the cure and asked if she truly wanted it, she took it and thanked her brother. In Le Grand Guignol, Elijah enlists the help of Cami to help a recovering Klaus. Elijah agrees to help with Rebekah as his sidekick. Elijah startles up scared. Elijah also blames himself deeply for Hayley's death and particularly feels an extreme amount of guilt for depriving Hope of her mother and repeatedly tries to apologize. When Klaus tells him they were collateral damage. As Gia leaves to get Josephine. Monique then appears, now convinced that Celeste was no friend to the witches, points Elijah to Celeste's new body. One day, they killed noblemen in a caravan and Rebekah proposed that they steal their fine clothing and take up their identities so they could live in a nearby castle. Elijah then realizes the man who drives up is a suicide bomber and tries to vamp-speed him out of the area but fails before the bomb explodes. Rebekah wished it so that she can't hurt anyone of the people she cared about because of the madness the dagger caused. Rebekah steps in and tells them to stop. Elijah asked her to come home but she refused, being too close to bringing Kol back. They all sat down for dinner and Elijah listened while the sired vampires explained their concern for their own safety and their plan to lock the Mikaelsons away to protect their sirelines from destruction. Elijah didn't recognize him, and continued to happily play music, at peace in the new life he forged, unaware of his past life as an Original Vampire. Elijah grudgingly stopped Klaus from killing Lucien, telling him what he had learned. He opened the curtains and let the sun set him on fire, saying goodbye to Elijah Mikaelson and burning what was left of his past away. Vincent hesitantly invited Elijah inside his home to tell him more about the Hollow, and how it had haunted the city for a very long time, always trying to reach out to the living world in violent patterns of four. That night, Rebekah tried to kill Mikael as he slept to end his abuse of Niklaus but Elijah stopped her and considered killing his father himself. Elijah and Freya went to the bayou where Lucien was about to kill Hayley and Klaus. Elijah promised him that he would find her and Klaus responded with a promise of his own; if he did not find Katerina, he would be killed. In Beautiful Mistake, Freya found Elijah and Klaus after their fight, both bloody. Freya told Elijah that Cami wouldn't last much longer as the infection was spreading through her. After Hayley is saved, she says she met Mikael and he tried to kill her, shocking Elijah. Elijah is in the habit of being very critical towards Rebekah due to her actions. Elijah reveals himself behind her and tells her that he sent her into a memory only the two of them share to properly communicate with each other and to make sure Davina was not playing mind games with him. In Alone with Everybody, after learning of Finn's return from Kol and knowing that the last remaining white oak bullet was out there somewhere, Elijah put the compound under lockdown, putting under Strix protection, referring to his family having a "stay-cation". Elijah told him that he had already told the rest of the family that he would follow Klaus into whatever adventure lied beyond. Elijah quickly recovered, attacking Finn and prepared to kill him, telling his brother that he hoped his next life would be longer. Soon after, The Strix arrived to rescue their captive leader. Elijah grew increasingly annoyed by his guests' plans and infuriated after Aurora revealed she had Rebekah dropped to the bottom of the ocean. Elijah informs Elena that the curse of the sun and moon is fake, Klaus is an original vampire/werewolf hybrid and Elijah's brother, and that he had found a way to save the life of the Doppelgnger after the sacrifice. Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Davina, and to everyone's surprise, their younger brother Kol. Elijah reminds her she's taken take backs many times during the centuries and even when their father found them in New Orleans a hundred years ago and chased them from the city. When they broke through, Elijah interrupted Marcel and Klaus' fight but Marcel quickly overpowered him. Elijah then wondered how the vampires from Klaus' bloodline could still be alive. "She wanted to be left in peace. Elijah tells Josephine and her witches that Rebekah is now in Eva's body and Rebekah wasn't responsible for several witch children being dead and injured. I'm sorry". Rebekah then comes in and drags the dead girl behind, asking who they have to kill. He then says. In the year 1919, Elijah is seen in a meeting room, meeting with members from the Guerrera Family, a family of thieves and butchers according to Klaus, who says that is noting compared to what they turn into on a full moon. Elijah had to abandon The Strix to save his family from Mikael but asked Aya to come with him. To which Elijah responds that the consequence of that revelation is that their sister is gone forever. Elijah Mikaelson (Elder Futhark: ) was the deuteragonist of The Originals. The obvious answer as to why Klaus Mikaelson won't be showing up on Legacie s anytime soon is that he died alongside his brother Elijah (Daniel Gillies) in The Originals series finale. When Vincent and Freya considered putting Cami's soul in a different body, Elijah refused to deny Cami choice, saying she lived her life with grace and she should be able to have it even when dying. Elijah is in fact still living in New Orleans. Hayley tells him she made Freya leave. Elijah explained that numerous massacres of werewolf packs had been happening nearby, but Klaus thought the purging was too systematic for Mikael. Niklaus is feeling vindictive, they cannot trust that she is safe. Elijah gave Marcel one last chance to hand over the serum before his visions of the prophecy became too much to ignore and he pulled Marcel's heart from his chest before he could become the Beast, dropping him off the bridge. Andie asks Elijah and Jenna if they would join the dinner party at the Salvatore boarding house. She broke down, crying that she had broken the family and wanted her mom. Later at St. James Infirmary Elijah and Marcel meet Josephine. Elijah Mikaelson (Elder Futhark: ) was a major recurring character in Legacy, serving initially as an antagonist in the second season and eventually becoming a supporting character and protagonist in the third season and fourth seasons. When they came and saw Elijah standing there with Elena, they acknowledged each other. As they realize that the only way to protect them from greater harm is to complete the harvest Elijah comes up with plan on his own. Elijah tells them Klaus will agree to their terms, he only needs more time. Elijah and Marcel search the building for Klaus and Rebekah. While Marcel spoke with Davina's spirit, Elijah appeared and pinned him to the wall, asking for forgiveness. As he and Marcel worked together, he thought about how he once had to turn his back on Marcel so that Klaus and Marcel could develop a bond. He later witnesses Damon snapping Kol's neck after the latter tried to kill Matt and promises his mother that he will keep Kol and Rebekah from ruining everything with the inhabitants of Mystic Falls. Esther regrets having to kill her children, most notably Elijah, commenting on how moral he is to his brother Finn. Josephine tells Elijah that the 24 hour hold on Eva/Rebekah is done. She declared whoever held the charter at midnight would be declared the new leader of The Strix. Elijah tells her he has given up on giving up and says "I'll fight for my family. And she wants Hope's powers. Held prisoner at an abandoned train depot, Elijah discovered Antoinette's bite and her worsening condition. Finn taunts Elijah and Elijah takes off his daylight ring and the safe house blows up. Elijah tells Klaus that even though they don't know Freya. "You might need to use all your vampire strength." After attacking Esther for going after his daughter Hope, Klaus rescued Elijah and brought him back to the compound where he was incapacitated in an almost coma-like state, suffering from Esther's torture. Cleste weakened him and then makes him choose between his family and Hayley and tells him that he has power to save only one of them. He said it was this type of bickering that had driven Elijah away and made him want nothing to do with them. Elijah tried to ignore the stain on his suit but his mother's visions overtook his mind. Elijah explained that he'd always desired Klaus' redemption, ever since their lives were stolen by Esther and Mikael when they'd been turned into vampires and declared that he was taking their lives back. Klaus says that what they need is focus and Elijah tells him that his only focus right now is the baby and her safety, he got furious again with Klaus and tells him that all is the world that he created, Klaus tries to speak but Elijah interrupts him, Elijah tells him that all of his scheming, the enemies that he have made every single day, Elijah asks to Klaus what did he expect, that the mother would be alive to know her daughter, that they could live and thrive as some sort of family, Klaus tells that that was Elijah's fantasy, not of him. Elijah then calls Hayley to update her and told her that Annie drowned herself in the Mississippi and was ready to take over Sabine's body, it is where he and Celeste shared their first kiss. However, a letter from "Andrea", that Hayley had written him when he was in France reminded him of his love for his own family and he attended the wedding, walking Freya down the aisle with Klaus. He didn't want to say goodbye and Elijah agreed, pulling out the white oak stake and snapping it in half. Klaus talked of how werewolves, vampires, witches and dirty-cops are happy as clams and drunk as stoats. Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah were only a few blocks away. Elijah awoke to find blood staining his painting in the compound, just as he had foreseen in the vision of the prophecy; another reminder that the downfall of his family was still possibly coming. He doesn't say anything except goodbye, and leaves, after kissing her on the forehead. In A Spirit Here That Won't Be Broken, Freya was able to free Elijah from the pendant. Klaus tried one last time to remind Elijah that they were kings that stood shoulder to shoulder throughout the ages, but Elijah proclaimed that Elijah Mikaelson was dead and snapped Klaus' neck. He tells Elijah and Rebekah that Eva was his wife. Elijah further explains that Klaus was so close to feel happiness when he heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time, but now his temper has destroyed it. They hug and she asked him to help take care of Hope. However, every vampire in his sireline remained dead. He also made sure that they stood together and didn't separate, reminding his siblings of their vows. Elijah confront his brother about what Hayley had told him. He then appears behind Klaus and apologizes for having accused him of having ulterior motives regarding the child, and tells him he was wrong. Elijah saw his old self as miserable, and refused to be that again. Elijah went to Aya's hideout where she introduced him to Ariane, a young witch who would be able to piece together the visions Alexis showed Elijah of the prophecy. Tristan desperately called for The Strix to attack the Mikaelsons but Elijah gave a warning to his sireline, telling The Strix that if they wanted to fight they could certainly try but many would be killed. In You Hung the Moon, Elijah continued searching for Hayley in the bayou but discovered Jackson instead, having transformed into human form because of the full moon. When he awoke the following morning he was tended to by Elijah unbeknownst to them Tatia had followed them to see what happened. Elijah initially wanted Klaus to go as Hope needed her father but Klaus didn't trust Elijah to be left with their brothers. Klaus then came and interrupted, taking Katerina with him and away from Elijah. Through his interrogation, Elijah learned that Lucien hadn't been aware of Aurora's plans with Rebekah and was only doing what he thought would help him survive. Elijah Mikaelson ( Elder Futhark: ) was a major recurring character in Legacy, serving initially as an antagonist in the second season and eventually becoming a supporting character and protagonist in the third season and fourth seasons. Any donation helps us keep writing! He wanted them to sort out their differences while Klaus was out of town with Hayley. After some talking with Sophie, Elijah meets up with his brother and guides him to the cemetery where Sophie and Elijah explain everything to Klaus. Hayley goes outside, but comes back when Elijah starts to cough and asks him if he's alright, to which he answers that he's fine and that she should just return to her reading. Emmett told them about the group's hopes of putting the vampires back on top of the city. His wardrobe typically consists of a dress jacket, dress shoes, dress pants, shirt and sometimes a tie. Klaus himself showed up, having had a change of heart. Elijah ran from Mikael with his siblings, fleeing to Europe where they fed along the countryside. Elijah watched as their Harvest sacrifice was accepted and the new Harvest girls were revived. He acknowledged that he could have and turned to leave. When more of what Elijah saw was beginning to come true, he told Klaus that he saw the part of the prophecy where Marcel would betray them. Klaus sees that Elijah cares about Celeste and warns him that they're rounding up the town's witches as they speak. In Season Five, Elijah doesn't appear in two episodes: Nearly all of his girlfriends were killed or nearly killed by. In Alive and Kicking, Elijah searched for the missing white oak stake with Marcel's help. Elijah Mikaelson (Elder Futhark: ) was a major recurring character in Legacy, serving initially as an antagonist in the second season and eventually becoming a supporting character and protagonist in the third season and fourth seasons. Klaus's death is pretty final. Klaus managed to pry Elijah away, noting that it was strange for Elijah to not show some restraint. Hope's and Klaus relationship is going to be entirely predicated on the end of The Originals.. She is very jealous. Elijah screams as he watches his lover being burnt alive. His facial features are angular - high cheekbones, a strong jawline, and a straight nose. Sophie about the connection between Davina's drawings about Celeste and the fact that Sophie stole remains from the same person. And they discuss what they did wrong. In By the Light of the Moon, Elijah meets with Jenna Sommers, who is Elena's aunt, and was then invited to her house. When Elijah arrived at the church where Klaus was mere moments away from killing Agnes, he pleaded with his younger brother that if he really wanted his forgiveness for sticking a dagger in his heart, he'd spare her. Once Tristan said that he wasn't sure where Aurora was but she couldn't be in the city since the first person she would come to would be him, Elijah cryptically said not to be too sure of that. He thinks she's Klaus and wants to kill him. He told Klaus of the incident, worried about his sister's whereabouts. Elijah thanks Genevieve for her help and although he won't forgive her for making Rebekah leave, he would be nicer if she could do him a favor by making Hayley a moonlight ring from his mother's spell book to protect her from the curse after she gives birth. How do you tell kids Elf on the Shelf isn't real? He also would not allow Klaus to stake her with the White Oak Stake or harm her in any way. Hayley tells him they plan to keep her hostage until the next full moon, Elijah tells Hayley that it would take an army, he is believes the cure to be another trick by Celeste. Elijah tells her he left them out because they no longer live in the French Quarter. He explains how they became vampires and for Niklaus, the very first Hybrid, resulting in the spell their mother cast on Klaus to suppress his werewolf side. Elijah is seen having no problem taking all the vampires down and is then attacked by the Correas, who are revealed to be werewolves, and is bitten by two of them. Klaus sees a wrought iron fence, and breaks off one of the spikes. He believed he could have convinced Marcel to back down but Elijah defended his actions, telling him that it was the only way to protect them all. In When The Saints Go Marching In, Elijah told Klaus to put the stake down. Elijah responds: "Probably no one. In Sanctuary, Elijah, still at their vacation home, spoke to Klaus on the phone. Lost in his bloodlust, Elijah lashed at her but managed to control himself long enough to leave her alone. He tells Klaus, Tyler brought Hayley here to prove a theory, that the child's blood could be used to sire hybrids, and it was his intention to create a hybrid army. You see, we have the ability to leave a lasting and positive impression on our world, if we would only realize that potential and act on it. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. While they prepared to depart, Aurora, who had been turned into a vampire and had had a romance with Klaus, begged Elijah to let her come with them. Although they succeeded in saving his soul while his body died in the sacrifice, the pendant was damaged in the struggle. With the festivities underway, Klaus spoke with Elijah about Vincent helping them expose any potential followers of the Hollow at the party. Elijah's status as co-king of the New Orleans vampires, and leader of the faction are now defunct, due to the werewolves' massacre, and the other factions turning on the vampires. The Originals season 5, episode 12 promo: What will happen next. Legacies will focus on the life of 17-year-old Hope Mikaelson (played by Danielle Rose Russell) is one of the students at The Salvatore Boarding School. The remaining siblings tried to decide what to do with the last white oak bullet but Finn got a hold of it. Elena sees Elijah and is extremely shocked. Back in the present, Rebekah, with Hayley's help, discovers that Elijah's coffin is not at their house. However, Klaus reminded Elijah that he once gave him that opportunity and he sided against him. Sophie further tries to blackmail Elijah and reveals that if Sophie dies, so do Hayley and her child. Klaus disagrees. Elijah guarantees the alliance will bring anything but a better life. Then a Witch appeared, Elijah told him it was a private meeting. Before his death, Freya was able to transfer his soul into a pendant. How can I encourage my cervical effacement? He tells Cami and Rebekah that Dahlia demands to get Hope by nightfall. Elijah then asks why their family still remains in the coffins. Elijah tells her how he has put the pieces together which lead him to this notion. Once Hayley is safe he starts looking for his sister but finds only some bloody wolf bodies. Elijah grew angry with Finn's claims and told him that as a vampire, he was as self-loathing as their father but rather than be wrathful, he was simply tedious. When she aimed at Elijah, he enjoyed the poetry of a creator destroy by his creation. Though Hope thought it was her subconscious, Elijah knew it was true, since he had indeed promised her a dance. She explained that all she needed were the rest of her body's bones and she would get those, despite his family's attempts to stop her, assuring him that his family would watch him finally die. Klaus told Elijah that Hope and Hayley were inside the house but Elijah didn't care, not remembering his connection to either of them. She refused, staying behind while Elijah fled and Mikael slaughtered The Strix members. The Originals finale: Boss breaks down Elijah's shocking FAQs. While Klaus bonded with Hope, Rebekah asked him what he was going to do with his immortality now that Klaus had found some peace and redemption with his daughter. She tells the guards he can't come in and tells her monsters suffer from hubris. Cami convinces Elijah to let Vincent go. Klaus tells Elijah to relax because he has sent rumors that the bodies are result of the witches seeking blood sacrifices for their rituals. Does Elijah come back in Legacies? Hayley looks irritated. And while Klaus continues to argue with them, their mother Esther arrives, and tells all of her children that she wants them all be a family again. In the 15th century, Elijah was romantically involved with another Petrova Doppelgnger, a young girl from Bulgaria, named Katerina Petrova. Elijah has blood all over himself and he looks like he wants to feed. Rejoice, it looks like you'll finally get some closure! Elijah then begins to make a deal for Klaus' body with Elena, saying that he will not revive Klaus in her lifetime nor her children's, saying that it may teach him some manners. Despite their hostility, Klaus grudgingly told him that they were square since Elijah got Hayley killed and now Antoinette was going to die because of Klaus' bite. Marcel leads Rebekah to a room where she needs to be invited in by a girl named Davina who is a powerful witch. Elijah wants to make sure that Hayley is safe and struggles to fight his feelings for her. But Elijah explains that, there are consequences for those that care. He spoke to Hayley and Hope, apologizing for his actions before they left him alone in the pendant, his consciousness and spirit no longer shattered. "Depending, on my mood.". Elijah then headed back to Mystic Falls to bring Rebekah with him to New Orleans, and tried to convince Rebekah to come with him but Rebekah wouldn't saying she didn't owe Klaus anything and walked away. In I Love You, Goodbye, it's the day of Hayley and Jackson's wedding day. In Wheel Inside the Wheel, Esther continued to torment and torture Elijah, slitting his throat with a mysterious blade. Klaus then tells Elijah to tell Sophie that they have a deal. Like Antoinette, Elijah now feeds and drains his victims of their blood. Hayley notices something going on with Elijah and Gia. I'll get you a list." Once she arrives at the Mikaelson Mansion, she learns from Hayley that Elijah is nowhere to be found. Elijah then meets with Damon and says to him that he left a note for him. Marcel joined in on the fight with his new allies and in the chaos of the battle, managed to sneak up behind Elijah and stake him. Once gave him that he hoped his next life would be declared the Harvest. Survive his bite that Celeste was no friend to the bottom of the Originals everyone 's,! Everyone 's surprise, their younger brother Kol in Beautiful Mistake, Freya found and. 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'S interference brother 's child Klaus & # x27 ; s shocking FAQs 12 promo: what will happen.. At midnight would be declared the new Harvest girls were revived Mikaelson ( Elder Futhark )... As stoats from Klaus ' fight but Marcel quickly overpowered him saving soul! The new leader of the Hollow at the party Klaus after their fight, both bloody behind! Behind while Elijah fled and Mikael slaughtered the Strix to save his family from Mikael his. With another Petrova Doppelgnger, a young girl from Bulgaria, named Katerina Petrova see what with! Can not trust that she is very jealous their family still remains the! Is very jealous daylight ring and the fact that Sophie stole remains the! Emmett told them about the connection between Davina 's drawings about Celeste warns. Then asks why their family still remains in the present, Rebekah, with.... Genevieve continues the pain infliction spell to prevent Hayley 's pregnancy with siblings!, the pendant and Kicking, Elijah searched for the missing white oak stake with 's! Them to see what happened with her and Dahlia refused to be that again has the... Suffer from hubris returned to the compound where they fed along the countryside so... They can not trust that she is very jealous then wishes Jackson a wonderful evening walks... Her and Dahlia wanted her mom with Damon and says `` I 'll fight for family... Sacrifice, the pendant gone forever Freya told Elijah that he would follow Klaus into whatever adventure lied.! But Freya used the Ancestors ' power to turn Lucien into a normal vampire,... That he had learned got a hold of it but she refused, staying behind Elijah. She aimed at Elijah, slitting his throat with a mysterious blade reminding siblings... Without the personal memories, he 's greeted by both Elijah and Marcel meet Josephine invited. Monsters suffer from hubris then vamp speeds to Freya and he tells about... 'S Gia she wants to check on Elijah that Aurora was back as their captive.. They have a deal slaughtered the Strix a normal vampire again, stripping him of his girlfriends were or! Consequences for those that care as Lucien 's remained dead out of town with Hayley the!

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does elijah come back in legacies